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A member registered Dec 06, 2021

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

couple suggestions: 

-things to do in jail(escape(maybe by seducing or other things) or communicate with prisoners)

-more things to do with family(maybe make it easier to interact with them)

-more things to do in school (seduce or other things with students (or teachers) or get a boyfriend(maybe you could have dates or invite them over))

other than that it's a great game<3

(1 edit)

I think I broke it

guys I know how to make mana potion!

combine fire and the lightning bolt=plasma

flower+plasma=etheryllis flower


Your welcome :D

I made this little house and the backstory is that this girl's older ghost-obsessed brother is moving out and that's why there are boxes.

Yay! Game Jam Ending!

74 M woo hooooooo

I can't believe I have to go through this in real life

*puts New Yorker accent on*

I got 90! Best high score I love how the dad comes in shorter periods of time.

Yay! I DID IT!!!!

ur welcome! 😁

this is the cutest game ever and it gave me nostalgia. when I was younger I had to abandon my black cat, Jack. I only left him because I as moving and the apartment didn't allow pets.

you press "d" and the left arrow at the same time for  a long period of time.

I love the pictures they really show some kind of background like if they were humans before or if they were dead  they had lives before

A Silent Statue community · Created a new topic Good Game

This is a good game can't wait for the full version, maybe in a future scene, two statues could scissor? Thanks for reading.

I have a feeling that there's some kind of story behind this.

can we get the rest of the game even if we don't have the subscription? Cuz, I don't really have a credit card

I can't get to the next day.